Positive Team = More Productive

Carlo Tupa Indriauan
4 min readMay 3, 2021


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

So a long story short, I was taking one of the courses at my university, especially majoring in computer science, namely software projects (Proyek Perangkat Lunak). As the name implies, I was given the task of creating a team of five people and making software with predetermined topics in this course. My team got the topic of creating mobile applications that are involved in academia, especially in the field of law. The name of the application is Pantau Peradilanmu. Well, in this article I will briefly explain the importance of building a positive team.

All managers would like their teams to be more productive. Yet most companies are using the same old methods: strategic plans, goal-setting, streamlining operations, reducing inefficiency. Others are offering employee perks, such as on-site food, daycare, or gyms. Others are offering bigger bonuses or flexible schedules.

Kim Cameron and his colleagues at the University of Michigan, however, have discovered a way to improve performance that has nothing to do with dishing out benefits or deploying new processes. In a research article published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Cameron and his coauthors found that a workplace characterized by positive and virtuous practices excels in a number of domains.

Positive and virtuous practices include:

  • Caring for, being interested in, and maintaining responsibility for colleagues as friends.
  • Providing support for one another, including offering kindness and compassion when others are struggling.
  • Avoiding blame and forgive mistakes.
  • Inspiring one another at work.
  • Emphasizing the meaningfulness of the work.
  • Treating one another with respect, gratitude, trust & integrity.

The Benefits of a Positive Team

Research shows that positivity can make a real difference in our success and well-being.

One study found that happy individuals are more successful in many areas of their lives, especially at work, compared with those who struggle to find happiness or to think positively.

Positivity increases our ability to think creatively, to progress in our careers, to cope with challenges, and to work with other people. It can reduce absenteeism and staff turnover, and lead to more satisfied and productive teams. In short, it’s an essential ingredient for success!

Positivity brings longer-term benefits, too. Social psychologist Barbara Fredrickson created the Broaden and Build Theory to explain how positive emotions can make us more creative and flexible over time. The more positive emotions we experience, Fredrickson says, the more likely we become to exhibit other positive behaviors, such as curiosity, awareness, and innovation — and this applies to groups, as well as individuals.

How to Build a Positive Team

Here are the four steps for building a positive team:

Become a Positive Leader

Teams often become more motivated when they have a positive leader. This is why focusing on your own happiness, well-being, and emotional intelligence is the first step toward creating a great team.

Remove Obstacles to Positivity

Find out what causes dissatisfaction in your team. Make sure your working environment is safe and healthy, and that your people have the resources they need.

Manage Positively

Create a mission statement, set realistic goals that align with your organization’s objectives, and foster good relationships within your team.

Reinforce Positivity

Build trust and confidence every day, deal with negative behavior as it arises, and remind your people of the positive impact of their work.

How My Team Keeps the Positivity Alive to Maintain Productivity

My team for this application project work itself consists of 5 people. Of course, the five of us have different characteristics and abilities. There are those who have mastered the job further than others, some are still less good at it, and I think that is a common thing and can be handled if you have a positive team. My team helps each other if anyone is in trouble. I myself also often feel troubled, but it is not a big problem because I immediately ask my teammates for help and they help according to their ability. Sometimes there are disputes in my team when working on projects. We also handle this by being open to each other, expressing opinions and solutions so that there is no more conflict in the team. Honestly, I really feel happy and grateful to have a team like this because they really care for each other and don’t forget to have fun 😄.

That’s all I can share regarding the importance of building a positive team. Thank you for reading this article. I hope you like it.



Carlo Tupa Indriauan
Carlo Tupa Indriauan

Written by Carlo Tupa Indriauan

Computer science student at Universitas Indonesia

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